Its been a few weeks
since my last blog, it does however seem an appropriate time to return
to action and blog yet again!
...So Friday 5th
arrived and after only about 5 hours sleep I was up and ready to go
because this morning I was after Owls! I had been told of a North
East hot spot and after reports of decent numbers earlier in the week
I thought I would give it a go.
**I will not be naming
the site unfortunately, this is due to the actions of some
photographers who have been flushing Owls purposely to take
photographs and get 'The Shot'. This was done in a co-ordinated
fashion and is plain wrong. Luckily a local birder caught them in the
My aim is to photograph
wildlife in its habitat with as little disturbance as possible. If
that means I don't get 'The Shot', then fair enough that's the chance
you take.
Previously Owls have
been disturbed to point of not coming back on this site which is a
shame and with numbers building back up again, I don't want to be
possibly responsible for history repeating. So I'll keep my silence
So after what felt like
a lifetime in the car I arrived, and just as I did so I heard the
sound of rain on the windscreen! Nightmare! Owls DO NOT like rain,
along with high winds its a weather condition they really can not
tolerate. Luckily this was a very brief shower.
After walking about the
site for a couple hours with no result besides a few flighty
Fieldfare and Redwing, you've gotta love the winter Thrushes, I had
seen nothing. I managed to catch up with a local birder and Twitter
friend who was on site at the same time, and we set off looking
We found a few possible
roost sites, all empty but clearly used recently due to droppings and
pellets. We literally scoured every Hawthorn bush, hedge line, tree
and bushy scrub as we went. Nothing......hmmm, I was nearly 3 hours
into searching and still nothing but droppings to go off.
Long Eared Owl Pellet |
Then as we scoured
along near an old marsh, a Short Eared Owl burst up and out from some
gorse scrub. Brilliant!! What a feeling. After hours of searching
it's so rewarding to find the quarry you were hunting. 5 Minutes
later another lifted and then a third individual just observed us
from within the scrub. The Shortie with its big yellow eyes just
scowled at us.
We moved on not wanting
to stress the Owl out any further. We moved into a nearby plantation
said to have good roosting numbers of Long Eared Owl, 6 to be
precise. The number often changes though with Owls using a few nearby
locales. Unfortunately nothing showed. On our way back a dog walker
and his children flushed 2 of the Shorties, including the one which
remained perched.
We later caught up with
all 3 and had some more great views.
On the way back to the
car we had a mooch around another Long Eared Owl roost site again and
found only droppings and pellets. Its surprising how well Owls can
fly through a dense patch of Hawthorn. The last port of call
was a Little Owl hotspot, there is a regular couple of birds seen
this area and today we managed to see one of the pair! I was loving
this! Little Owl are my favourite birds, they're fantastically
entertaining and although they're technically an invasive species
brought over as a novelty in the 19th century and later
released, they're fantastic!
With cracking views of 2 british owls(1 Little and 2 Short Eared) as well as Willow Tit, Kestrel, Redwing, Fieldfare and a female Sparrowhawk! Friday morning was very well spent!
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