Thursday 23 April 2015

Burdon Moor 21st April 2015

After completion of yet another working day, I drove South to Burdon Moor for an afternoon/ evening of chilled birding in the sun.  The weather conditions were great, still and warm, and I began my wander around the wild upland that is Burdon Moor.
Yellowhammer was the first species I clocked onto as I left the car park, followed swiftly by Willow Tit, Chiffchaff, Blue Tit and Great Tit. I noticed a distant pair of Roe Deer grazing near a break in the wood to the South, seconds later they were disturbed by a cyclist heading my way. It wasn't long before they turned and disappeared off into the conifer wood.
I managed to see my first Newts of 2015, in the form of three Smooth Newts with two males and a female in a pond near the red brick wall.
My attention was drawn from the pond to a nearby post where a Chit Lark was perched, ever observant. An older folk name, the Chit Lark is of course a Meadow Pipit or 'Mippit' as I've noticed most birders seem to call them.

I finally nabbed my first Wheater's of 2015, three females and a male were hanging around an area of scrub. This migrant quartet were not too confiding, keeping their distance and eventually disappearing into a field over to the West.

A good number of Golden Plover flew overhead, great to see them in their stunning breeding plumage, despite how distant the flock flew and every now and again a Lapwing would zip overhead emitting that most extraordinary of calls.
The rest of my time at Burdon was spent looking for Owls, after a decent wait I was treated to a hunting Long-Eared Owl near the entrance car park until it headed off in the direction of the moor. Unfortunately all my photos were subpar at very best!
Stunning to always.

Nature North East / The Northern Owl Project 

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